Top 27+ Marketing Jobs To Pursue After Studying with Us
The Degree, Bachelor of Marketing Management (Business Administration), NQF7, from Katapult Business School, equips you with the tools to obtain your dream job as shown below. There are many possible career opportunities to explore in Marketing Management. This list of
VIDEO: Choosing a Tertiary Institution, a Degree and Career Wisely
VIDEO: A Bright Future Awaits You At Katapult Business School
VIDEO: 5 Reasons Why Studying Marketing Management Will Give You a TOP Job
I recently posted a job position on a popular career platform looking for a member to join our Katapult team and to my surprise, 500 applications filled my inbox. Sifting through the many over-qualified applicants who have sent us their
The Real Marketing Management – it’s NOT what you think it is
Educating young adults in the fields of Marketing and Business Management at a tertiary level for many years has alerted me to some disturbing public perceptions and unyielding “truths”. Many of these perceptions have come from enrolled students themselves, who despite
5 Ways the Way We Learn will Change Post Covid-19
It is no well-kept secret that all of us, who are fortunate enough to have the technological capabilities, are reverting more permanently to online solutions for most of our daily activities. From shopping, to our daily entertainment and connecting with